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Dopis Billu Gatesovi od prezidenta CLINTELu

Jinýma očima, 11. 9. 2020

Jako člen mezinárodní skupiny CLINTEL, která pod vedením nizozemského profesora Guuse Berkhouta protestuje proti klimatické panice, přináším do českého kontextu dopis, který zaslal CLINTEL Billu Gatesovi jako reakci na jeho nedávná agresivní mediální vyjádření, kdy řekl, že je klimatická změna horší než koronavirová pandemie (což sice může být pravda, my nevěříme ani klimatické změně s velkým "K", ani koronavirové pandemii, ale Bill Gates tento argument používá pro zesílení svého útoku na dnešní svět a na propagaci zelené ideologie, jejímž je jedním ze špičkových nositelů). Nedávám to na English Pages, věřím, že je to pro většinu čtenářů mého webu srozumitelné.                                   

Václav Klaus           

Mr. Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
500 Fifth Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109

September 10, 2020

Dear Mr. Gates,

CLINTEL Respectfully Challenges Your Article:

‘COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse’

The Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) represents 900 scientists, engineers and other professionals from 33 countries in climate and related fields.

We are working intensively on the question of climate sensitivity – how much global warming our enterprises and industries may cause. Contrary to what current IPCC theoretical models project, we have concluded that actual equilibrium climate sensitivity to doubled CO2 is far from alarming, in fact at less than half of the IPCC value. Our conclusion fits with all observations that have been made in the past 60 years.

It means that the proclaimed “climate crisis” exists in the computer models only. That said, yes, the world needs to continue on a prudent multi-decadal mitigation and adaptation strategy that is technically feasible, economically affordable and socially enhancing (particularly in the developing world). But the latest science and observations clearly say that there is no imminent climate catastrophe.

With all respect, your statement that climate change could be worse than the current pandemic follows the multitude of unquestioning ‘me-too’ statements by the mainstream climate catastrophe “consensus”. That statement we suggest is inappropriate; uniformed ‘me-too’ climate statements do not bring us closer to the climate reality.

CLINTEL invites you to consider scientific questions such as these –

1. How much – or how little – global warming does mankind really cause?

2. Have the benefits as well as the disbenefits of more CO2 in the atmosphere been properly accounted for?

3. Why does projected global warming exceed observationally-derived warming by more than 200%?

4. Does the cost of attempting to abate global warming exceed the benefit in the avoided cost of adaptation?

5. What of the tens of millions who die every year because they cannot afford expensive “renewable” electricity and are denied affordable, reliable alternatives?

6. Has history not shown us repeatedly that adaptation to change presents a powerful survival and evolutionary strategy?

I attach a link to CLINTEL’s own position on climate change and should be very happy to facilitate serious discussion with you and your Foundation with a selection of our world-class scientists.

With all good wishes,

Guus Berkhout
President, CLINTEL                                                             



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